Welcome To Silicon Valley Entrepreneur
Education & Consulting Center
실리콘밸리 기업가정신 교육센터

창업을 꿈꾸는 미국 및 한국의 모든 분들에게 심도있고

The reason why Silicon Valley's many entrepreneurs, from Hewlett,

실리콘밸리 비지니스 전문가들( UC Berkeley,  Stanford 교수, VC 투자자 등)이 창업을 꿈꾸는 미국 및 한국의 모든 분들에게 심도있고 다양한 정보 제공과 교육, 그리고 협업을 통하여 기반을 다질수 있도록 돕는 프로그램입니다. 

Under the theme of "Beautiful World Leading Entrepreneurship" through new business discovery and Ideals, the Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Education: In the era of sp, and investors, which will help virtually everyone. After completing the program, the

This Center will provide you

Skills and


Understand the design thinking and methodology


Prototype your ideas


Manage the most recent programming languages


Identify opportunities for your service to grow and evolve

Entrepreneur Education & Consulting Center

Key Mentors & Committee

실리콘밸리 기업가정신센터 멘토 조직도

Henry Bang


Inbeum Song


KyoungYeon Lee


Wonpyo Lee

Executive Advisor & Director

1st Event Mentors in 2021

Mentors for the 1st Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Education event
held from March 2, 2021 through April 30, 2021.
1차 실리콘밸리 기업가정신교육 이벤트에 도움을 주신 멘토 리스트

Douglas Y Park

Managing Partner at P&D

David Y Choi

Marymount University

Elisabeth Fullerton

Angel Investor & Advisor

Rick Rasmussen

Industry Fellow UC Berkeley

Email: [email protected]

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